As companies schedule their return to the office (RTO if you’re playing Buzzword Bingo), we have been checking into them with a simple question: How’s it going? Their answers fall into a couple of broad categories. Everything is fine and dandy A few report that everything’s great; they are either going to the exact some structure as before the pandemic (usually, everyone … [Read more...]
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Remote Leader
What does leading a remote team have to do with Sherlock Holmes? Whether you play the violin, smoke a pipe or enjoy deerstalker hats or not, there’s one important similarity. Most of the time, when something goes wrong, we don’t witness it ourselves and have to find out what happened. I am a big fan of “the Wizard of Baker Street” (That’s me with his statue in London this … [Read more...]
Does Working Remotely Make the Workplace Less Toxic?
We are reading a lot about Return to Office (RTO) and how it’s critical to company culture that people get together. In fact, senior executives are telling us they are depending on it to maintain or create the culture they want. But what if your workplace culture is toxic? Does getting together help or make things worse? The survey says... A recent survey by the consultancy … [Read more...]
What Can We Learn from IBM’s Work from Home Pledge
In May of 2020, IBM polled thousands of its workers about how they can make work from home work. How do the ideas put forward work two and a half years later? First, let’s take a look at the key points of the “pledge” the company created for its employees based on their findings. You can (and probably should) read the whole thing here, but here are the 8 key points (the … [Read more...]
Enough with the Quiet Quitting
“The biggest threat to organizations is the quiet quitting trend…” If you’ve read this headline, or others like it, you probably were either mildly intrigued or completely outraged.Your response says as much about your attitude to your work as anything ever will. Every once in a while, the business press gets hold of an idea and works it like a dog with a sock until it’s … [Read more...]