“The biggest threat to organizations is the quiet quitting trend…” If you’ve read this headline, or others like it, you probably were either mildly intrigued or completely outraged.Your response says as much about your attitude to your work as anything ever will. Every once in a while, the business press gets hold of an idea and works it like a dog with a sock until it’s … [Read more...]
Let Them Eat Cheese, But Not at Home
The Prime Minister of England is not a great fan of working from home. We know this, because in a recent interview, he said so. Boris Johnson said, “My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop.” While the “workers don’t get anything … [Read more...]
How Remote Leaders Can Promote Better Mental Health
The events of the past couple of years have brought mental health to the forefront of leadership concerns. What once was considered purely “personal business” is now (rightly) seen as something that not only affects individuals, but can have a significant impact on productivity and organizational performance. We also hear leaders issuing the disclaimer, “I’m … [Read more...]
Do You Know Why People Want to Work from Home?
Are your people chomping at the bit to get back to work? Are people so terrified of a few germs they refuse to return? Are they so happy working from home they’ll take any excuse to continue avoiding the office? Or is it something else? Here’s the tricky part: how do you know? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal suggests there is a disconnect between people returning … [Read more...]
Is Hybrid Work the Future for Gen Z?
by Jason Miller Generation Z, the next large group of future employees and soon-to-be college and trade school graduates, are looking at work differently than any generation before. They’ve lived through a pandemic right at the time of their lives when many teens and young adults choose college majors, potential career paths, and still find time for a gap year to explore the … [Read more...]