by Jane Begum Being a remote leader can be quite a challenge. Managing a team you don’t physically see everyday isn’t easy. The role requires creativity and a great deal of empathy. Below, we’ll tackle some questions that every budding remote leader needs to ask themselves to find out whether or not they’re ready to take on the role. Can You Learn to Fully Trust the People in … [Read more...]
Little Things that Add Up for Long-Distance Leaders
You might not have a favorite Greek philosopher, but I do. And you might not think someone who wrote at the time of the Roman Emperor Nero would be relevant to leading a remote team, but you’d be wrong. My boy Epictetus is still relevant. Particularly relevant today is this quote: “Practice yourself, for heaven's sake in little things, and then proceed to greater.” Yes, good … [Read more...]
Does Your Remote Team Know What’s Expected?
by Chuck Chapman, Content Strategy Coordinator Remote work is becoming more common, but it's still fairly new for most organizations. If you're a remote leader, chances are this is your first time leading a remote team, and many team members may also be experiencing their first job away from the office. That means all of you are sailing in some uncharted waters. The good … [Read more...]
Is 2019 the Year You Plan for Remote Work?
Can you believe it’s 2019 already? For some of us, that was a year we only thought possible in science fiction movies; but ready or not, it’s here. For many of the clients we’ve talked to, it’s finally time to quit dealing with remote work as something aside from their normal planning, and to make it a standard part of how things get done in their companies. The truth is if … [Read more...]
Managing Across Borders
With technology is making it easier to do business, companies looking for growth or cost savings are expanding internationally at increasing frequency. In fact, the number of employees on international assignments has grown as part of the continuing trend toward globalization. This is increasing the number of remote teams facing the challenge of working across borders. And of … [Read more...]