Is it okay to turn your webcam off in the middle of a team call? That seems like a reasonable question, but it always seems to get people worked up. It should be a binary answer: yes or no. But the real answers are "sometimes," and "it depends." We all know the pros and cons of using webcams: The human brain is wired for visual communication. We crave seeing the other … [Read more...]
Five Reasons for Zoom Fatigue
Imagine being the people at Zoom. Eighteen months ago, few people had heard of you. Then the COVID lockdown begins and suddenly you’re the most popular new software in the world. Then, just as suddenly, you’re the cause of something called “Zoom fatigue” and people hate you. Hardly seems fair. But to remote workers around the world, it is very real. A report from Stanford … [Read more...]
How Using Webcams Makes You Happy
By now you’re probably inundated with news about working from home. Everyone (Including us) has advice on what to do if you’re suddenly working from home, or how you can save the world by using webcams. But here is a little thing that will take some of the misery out of your circumstances. Yes, we want you to use webcams, and for years we’ve been giving you all kinds of … [Read more...]